Who Agrees and Who Objects

Things looked like two elephants fighting; any stomp from either one of them was like squashing an ant.

That was how brutal reality was.

All the power and money they held was worth nothing in the face of real combat prowess.

It was only then that they came to truly realize why even governments were wary of the cultivators.

That was because common people still had a certain measure of control over cultivators when cultivators were willing to comply with the rules of common people. Yet, when things got ugly, the rules were quickly cast aside.

Or rather, they would simply resort to doing it in the way of the world of cultivators—the rules stating that might made right, and that true prowess reigned over all.

"You dare to kill someone right here?" Song Shijie was stunned right away.

It was not that he had not seen anyone killed before. He had his fair share of killing others himself.