Appealing to the Great Ancestor

It had not been long since Lu Xuan's annihilation of the Soul-snatcher Sect, and the commotion he'd caused had just begun to subside.

Then, yet another piece of news exploded among the cultivators and shocked the entire world of cultivators like a stun grenade.

The Holy Dragon Corporation, which had been lying low in the dark like a great crocodile waiting to strike, finally made their move, extending their influence into the Min Province.

However, the operation turned out to be a total loss, and they lost more than just a National Guardian.

A direct descendant of the Song Clan, Song Shijie, was crippled as well. Everyone knew that while Song Shijie had not been in the country until a short while ago, he was nonetheless a very important figure to the Song Clan.

Otherwise, he would not have been tasked to lead the charge to subdue Min Province altogether as soon as he returned.