Last Resort? Are You Kidding Me?

"I never thought a true dragon like you could emerge from Min Province." Song Lingfeng's expression was cold and pointed.

A harrowing glint sparkled in his eyes, the kind of glint that suggested extreme ill will and hostility.

"It's you who has been underestimating the people of the world. People like you claim that you have the fate of the world in your hands, but you yourselves end up being little more than the pawns of others," Lu Xuan said plainly.

Song Lingfeng's pupils contracted somewhat. He kept feeling that Lu Xuan knew something, and what the young man said seemed to mean something more than what was clear on the surface.

Song Lingfeng had no idea that Lu Xuan knew all there was to know about the people around him. Every single person in those giant corporations had monsters standing behind them.