The Song Clan Has a Death Wish

Lu Xuan's ability to raze sects or clans single-handedly was a testament to his terrifying combat prowess.

The so-called "Clan-razing Force" that he possessed was not how one would have named the levels conventionally; it was a title bestowed only on someone with powers befitting the use of such a title.

While powers between individuals naturally differed greatly at every level, at the current stage, the only level of beings that were undoubtedly capable of such clan-razing feats were those at the Deity level.

Only beings at the Deity level would be able to single-handedly knock out a clan or sect.

Many had claimed that Lu Xuan possessed such a level of power, but what had happened right before the eyes of the crowd truly cemented the fact that Lu Xuan was indeed capable of such godly feats.

Such a level of power meant that many cultivators saw him as little different from a walking nuclear bomb.