A Night for Killing

As for spirit stones, the Special Task Force was probably the only organization capable of procuring so many of them without a care.

If Lu Xuan were to go about collecting such stones on his own, there was no telling just how long it would take him to collect that many.

"I have my sources," Lu Xuan said. There was no way he would have told her that he knew about it due to memories from his past life.

However, what Lu Xuan did say only make Ming Yueyao find him even more enigmatic. She wondered just what kind of legacy he possessed that made it possible for him to have such powers.

"Although I have no idea where you heard such news, I don't think that will be much of a problem, either," Ming Yueyao said, nodding.

Trading four pillars that the agency had no idea what to do with for methods of crafting runic ammunition was, without a doubt, quite a bargain.