You Think You Are Enough?

At that point, Lu Xuan felt like a demon who had just climbed out of hell. While there was not even a speck of blood to be found on his body, his presence inspired immense fear and dread.

Threatening him by attacking his family had long since crossed the line in his mind.

"You're going too far, Lu Xuan!"

Song Maoxun's eyes were red, and he was so furious that his entire body was shaking.

"I see. So everyone's here, then. Nice. I could get rid of you people in one go. From this day on, the Song Clan shall be history," Lu Xuan stated plainly.

"Don't go around thinking you can just do whatever you want!" Song Maoxun gritted his teeth.

He had never been cornered like that since the day he'd become the Patriarch of the clan.

He was one of the most formidable beings found in the world, be it in terms of power bestowed by his status or that bestowed by his cultivation level.