A Naturally Gifted Cultivator

"You really are a genius, Mr. Lu!" The Dragon said with an impressed tone.

The Dragon sounded very sincere when he said that. The seven-day-long exchange ended with him being completely taken by Lu Xuan.

In his eyes, the breadth of Lu Xuan's knowledge was so profound that even someone as powerful as himself was awestruck.

While the seven-day-long conversation was really supposed to be an exchange between the two, it was actually a seven day-long one-sided lecture from Lu Xuan, instead.

Many of the problems that the Dragon faced when he was training had gotten him stuck in quite a rut, but a great number of those problems were solved with Lu Xuan's guidance over those seven days.

Lu Xuan's level of cultivation was so high that it was completely stunning to the Dragon. He was vaguely able to sense that Lu Xuan had far surpassed his own position.