A Party Consisting of Invincible Vajra Level Cultivators

In that day and age, the slaughter of up to 10,000 people would immediately shake the entire country if the incident became widely known.

"The authorities are putting a lockdown on the news now, but something this big is going to leak sooner or later." Ming Yueyao sounded worried on the other side of the phone.

There was just no way something that big could be kept quiet, after all, especially in the current situation, as officials had already made the decision to no longer place any lockdown on information regarding the world of cultivators.

In truth, after the world had seen such an unprecedented scale of restoration of spirit qi, locking down information and news at such a scale would have been impossible anyway.

There was also no doubt just how shocked the country would be when they heard the news that such a ferocious monster had killed so many people.

"Where's the Dragon?" Lu Xuan asked.