A Battle of Words

Someone who claimed to be an emissary from the White Ape King brought news from the ape.

The man looked to be a farmer in his sixties.

"From now on, Shennongjia shall belong to the White Ape King. Any mishaps that happen to any outsider who dares to trespass shall not be the responsibility of the White Ape King," the man said confidently. "If the human government does not agree to this, you are free to continue the war. I wonder what death count would be deemed acceptable to you humans. I wonder if it will be me who falls first, or if your lands will be reduced to scorched earth before that."

The man delivered these words from the White Ape King on live broadcast without flinching.

You're a traitor to our race, no, a traitor to humanity!

You're a human yourself! How could you speak for an ape!?

Who does the White Ape King think it is, huh? Does that animal really think it can throw its weight around just because it has that bit of cultivation?