Teaching the White Ape King a Lesson

"Oh damn, it really talks. How come this is beginning to feel less and less real!"

"If it's already able to speak now, maybe it can even transform into a human later!"

"That's not impossible. If you think about it, maybe the gods and monsters in ancient Huaxia really existed!"

When many saw the White Ape King speak, they felt like it was something completely unreal. After all, aside from parrots, no other animal could speak a human language.

The viewers began to realize that from now on, there would be more and more living creatures like this one.

The White Ape King's level of intelligence was, as many had feared, not inferior to a human's.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Lu Xuan said coldly, "I heard your crazy idea. You want to carve out a piece of land for yourself to be a king? You don't know your own strength. You're being used by others to test us, and you don't even know it!"
