How Can You Eat Bunny Rabbits

Ming Yueyao understood the best just how powerful the strength Lu Xuan displayed was. If it was her, she would also try all she could to investigate Lu Xuan's true power level.

However, the more she investigated, the more she sensed how terrifying Lu Xuan was. From the moment she first met him till now, she had always had the feeling that she could not grasp just how deep Lu Xuan's well of power was.

It could even be said that, from her perspective, Lu Xuan was like a vast sea, and all she could see was a single drop in the ocean.

She had never experienced this feeling even when she was facing the Dragon!

"I just hope they can stay honest for a while, or I won't mind killing a few more Invincible Vajras!" Lu Xuan remarked lightly.

This made Ming Yueyao even more afraid of Lu Xuan. Those fearsome Invincible Vajras seemed like ordinary characters to Lu Xuan, and he could kill them off at will.

Kill a few more...