Ten Times More Frightening than Rumored

Kojima Hideo's eyes were thrown wide open, unable to believe what he just saw. Although none of those shikigami that he summoned were as formidable as that huge black dog, which was even capable of taking on the likes of Invincible Vajras, none of them were actually weaklings.

All of them were brought up through painstaking effort, yet all of them were eliminated within a second right before his eyes.

This is tough!

This is really gonna be tough!

He realized right there and then why Onmoraki ended up dead, and it had nothing to do with Onmoraki being careless.

Being cautious or not utterly made no difference when one had to deal with such a terrifying monster.

He performed a seal, and that huge dog engulfed in black flames took its attention off of Yin Hu, heading straight for Lu Xuan instead.

"It's only an animal." Lu Xuan snickered. He was completely unfazed, unlike Yin Hu, who behaved as if he was going up against his mortal enemy.