Home Invasion

The news that the Luo family Great Ancestor was hosting a celebration at the Luo family ancestral home had spread throughout the world of Cultivators in Huaxia. In this time, all the influential Cultivators in Huaxia had gathered one after the other.

Even those that did not go sent representatives from the younger generation to attend the celebrations.

An Invincible Vajra Level master was strong enough to influence matters on a global scale.

Outside the main gate to the Luo family's compound, there was a large gathering of big shots from the world of Cultivators that one would rarely see on a daily basis.

Chen Sheng was a new member of the Zhe Province Agency of Special Affairs, and he was only recruited into the Agency because he had recently awakened his magic.

After a period of training, he had finally been let out into the field to carry out missions.

However, he did not expect his first mission to actually be maintaining security.