The Top Three Fighters in the World

"Who are you?" the remaining Vietnamese fighter of medium build asked in Chinese without a foreign accent.

"That's none of your concern. What I wanna know is, where are those Huaxians? Where did you chase them off to?" Lu Xuan continued plainly.

"You've injured my partner, and now you wanna force intel out of me? You really are reckless, Huaxian!"

That Vietnamese fighter of medium build glared at Lu Xuan, eyes gleaming with hostility.

A beam of terrifying sword aura shot from behind that Vietnamese fighter at that moment.


The terrifying flash of the sword was the brightest thing there was within their vicinity at that moment. That very blinding light went straight towards Lu Xuan in an instant.


The flash of the sword was blocked off before it managed to pierce him, and he reacted immediately by lifting his arm, grabbing hold of that beam with his bare hand.