Killing Japan’s Number One Expert

Lu Xuan had taken over the battlefield for the dragons by himself!

His aura even soared into the sky. It was as if he were not the one surrounded by a group of people, but rather the group of people had been outdone by him alone.

This kind of feeling was very strange, but such thoughts had indeed popped up in everyone's minds. This was really too absurd.

"Huaxian, you are too arrogant!"

Currently, within the Japanese camp, Matsuda Juuzaburo could not help but open his mouth. He was dressed in martial arts clothing and had a long saber that hung around his waist. His aura was like that of a long, sharp sword, which was very daunting.

He was a real expert!

This was another kendo master. Japanese kendo could be used to attack but not to defend, which was the real skill for killing. Therefore, this was something reflected on the body of Matsudo Juuzaburo, which could be seen at a glance.