Count Dracula

"Forgive me, my lord!"

That pale-faced man fell to his knees as he trembled.

"Forgive me for the intrusion of waking you for your slumber, my lord. There is simply a matter that is beyond our capacity to deal with right now."

"What is it that is so severe that not even you people are able to handle it? Is the American government is plotting against the rule of the empire yet again, about to wage war against us?" Count Dracula asked with a cold, unfeeling tone.

The American government had clashed with the empire of vampires more than once in the over 200-year history of the United States.

That was the fact, even though many people in the American government were practically lapdogs of the vampires, and there were countless still who yearned for the vampires' favor, hoping to join the ranks of the immortal vampires.