I Can Kill Him By Myself

Lu Xuan did not think too much. As he was in the Celestial Realm, he understood the strength of the Celestial Realm too well. Those who had not reached the Celestial Realm were really no different from an ant.

The only difference would be that some were large-sized ants, and some were small-sized ants!

"The purpose of my trip to the WuTang Mountain this time around, apart from mourning the dead disciples of your Clan, is for something else!" Lu Xuan said.

"What is it, Mr. Lu?" Jingyunzi frowned. He had vaguely thought of what Lu Xuan wanted to say.

"It's about Dracula. He is so cunning that even the Special Task Force is not able to find him, but I know that he will definitely come to WuTang Mountain again. Therefore, I would like to meet him here!" Lu Xuan said. "This Dracula is a great threat to the cultivation circle in Huaxia, and even to the entire cultivation world. Therefore, it is better to get rid of him as soon as possible!"