The Dark Bible

The golden dragon claw blasted away with its formidable might, tearing the air before it apart and bringing about a terrifying force of the fist that shot over 100 meters away.

The might of the punch from Lu Xuan blasted right before Count Dracula without any of its force being diminished. One could easily gauge just how powerful that punch was.

The pupils of many, especially those who were at Invincible Vajra Level, contracted. All of them were almost shocked to the core.

That punch from Lu Xuan was just too terrifying.

The feat of blasting the force of a punch at a target over 100 meters away was something that not even Invincible Vajras would be capable of.

Any Invincible Vajra capable of blasting anything just ten meters away with the force of their punch would be considered the best among the best. It was near impossible for most to extend their aura that far away, and yet maintain its integrity, after all.