Killing All the Way up the Mountain

Lu Xuan tore the barrier apart with little to no problems at all.

"Who goes there!? How dare you attack the Guimen Sect!?"

An explosive, berating voice was heard from the top of the mountain.

Countless demons came flying at the two of them from the sky, fangs and claws bared, as soon as the voice was heard. Yet, the incoming demons differed from the illusion conjured by the formation earlier.

Those demons that were flying at the two of them were true specters.

Furthermore, those were not the average ghosts, but specters that had apparently mutated into vengeful spirits.

Lu Xuan frowned. There had not been any spirit qi around for a long time, and people were truly dead when they died, having no chance even to become ghosts.

Even if some places were being capable of having ghosts come into being due to some special circumstances, ghosts were exceptionally few and far between. Those beings were as rare as could be.