The End Of Guimen Sect

Just when they were about to go inform Young Master Gui, they saw dozens of helicopters roaring in the sky. It was unknown when the helicopters appeared. A group of people in combat uniform descended from the sky, led by a valiant and beautiful woman.

It was Wei Ziyu of the Dragon Fang Special Forces, who had fought with Lu Xuan before.

She glanced at the body of the sect master from Guimen Sect on the ground, and the bodies of two elders who had died without leaving a name for themselves.

"Finally, the Guimen Sect is coming to an end. I'm glad that I can end you scums with my own hands!"

Wei Ziyu grinned, and her smile was bright and overbearing.

"Who are you guys? Special Task Force?" one of the experts from the Guimen Sect shouted.

The only thing they knew was that the government department, which specialized in dealing with these cultivator divisions, was none other than the Special Task Force.