The Unfathomable Lu Xuan

"It turns out he had awakened the magic of the giants!" Lu Xuan squinted his eyes.

Unlike other people's ignorance, Lu Xuan's understanding of these magics was not simple.

This magic was uniformly summed up as the magic of the giants because when used, it would make the size of a person's body become huge.

Lu Xuan had even seen the magic of the giants used before. It would transform a person into the legendary Titan giant. The height would be tall, and would directly break through the surface of a planet.

By comparison, the magic of this Duan Shan was nothing.

But on the whole, the awakened magic was stronger than the non-awakened magic, and the combat effectiveness would be more powerful than other people at the same level.

Because of this, Duan Shan still had some cultivation value in Lu Xuan's view, and his kind of magic could be further improved in the future.