The Palace Lord Is Indeed Invincible

The monk had reached the pinnacle of his cultivation according to the system laid down by Hinayana Buddhism, which was Arhat Phala, thus making him comparable to grandmasters of the Hinayana stream of many previous generations.

Further advancement could only be made possible to a certain extent by casting away Hinayana Buddhism and taking up Mahayana Buddhism.

The level above Arhat Phala was Bodhisattva Phala.

The power Lu Xuan demonstrated was that of Bodhisattva Phala.

Even the monk, who had developed a mind of steel due to having been hard at Buddhist cultivation for many years, was almost frightened to death by the terrifying power Lu Xuan demonstrated.

The Bodhisattva Phala!

That was not the most frightening thing about it. Instead, the most frightening thing about it was that the current era had yet to allow fighters of such caliber to emerge. At the very least, the laws of the planet still forbade the emergence of such a being.