Recruiting A Wide Range of Disciples

It was also completely conceivable how attractive this matter was to everyone!

A stable mass production of a force of Celestial Realm experts. As they were recruiting disciples, this could be said to have caused a sensation in all of Huaxia.

It even caused a stir among cultivation circles all over the world.

However, the cultivation systems of different countries were completely different, so even if people were envious, they could not completely abandon their roots and learn the Huaxian way of cultivation.

But even so, after the Heavenly Palace had opened their sect gates to recruit disciples, it still caused countless frenzies.

They had even made a rule in advance that only those under the age of 15 were allowed to enroll, and they would be divided into two groups.

The group of children under the age of ten, and the group of children between the ages of ten and fifteen.