There Was Never a Thing Called Absolute Fairness

Rows of young men and women were seen taking ordeals of illusions in the plaza under the hot sun.

Young men and women would emerge out of their trials every two hours, with some wearing beaming smiles and others, ashen looks.

"I did it! I made it into the Heavenly Palace!"

"How could this be? Why wasn't I able to tough it out?"

"This is impossible! This is outrageous!"

A great majority of those who emerged wore glum, sullen looks on their faces, completely unable to swallow the fact that they failed to make the cut. All of them had been lauded by many to be geniuses before they came, and they found it to be utterly impossible to get eliminated so easily.

Yet, those people failed at the trial of illusions, which was the last round of the series of selections.