A Sword Taking on Lightning Bolts

"So, you set us up too then?" Cain looked at Lu Xuan with a wary expression as he asked.

Lu Xuan snickered as he replied, "I was once a nobody, and I've been met with countless powerful enemies on my journey of cultivation. I had also resorted to whatever means I had at my disposal out of desperation. But do you people really think I'm still who I once was?

"You lot really think highly of yourselves, don't you? Do you really think I need to even lay out traps just to snare the lot of you?" Lu Xuan's voice shook the air around him, making him look extremely imposing. The effect was so pronounced that one could hear him clearly despite being in a blizzard.

"You really know how to talk big." Cain laughed coldly as he heard Lu Xuan talk.