Awakening after a Month

On the other side was an area in the ice of the south pole that spent the whole day literally buried by collapsing glaciers.

Lu Xuan felt his body ready to tear apart.

He managed to prematurely detonate the missile while it was still mid-air, allowing him to escape death instead of being directly hit. However, the resulting shockwave and super high temperatures still instantly injured him severely.

The glacier that was brought down by the explosion had also pinned him down entirely.

Anyone else in such a situation would have probably died a long time ago, but Lu Xuan managed to cling to life.

At that moment, the defensive barrier that he laid down in his ring beforehand was crushed altogether. The shockwave swept him away from the explosion to over a dozen kilometers away from where he was.

He had no idea as to who used of a nuclear missile on him, but it was more important for him to get out of his current predicament.