What is with This Family?

He never noticed it before due to having never fought with members from the overseas rite of the Maoshan Sect, yet he realized right there and then that it was truly as Lu Xuan said.

He was infuriated over the fact that the overseas rite of his sect was truly rotten to the core.

He wondered why they weren't satisfied with studying the Shangqing Mystical Methods of the Maoshan Sect.

He wondered why they needed to learn witchcraft like Tame Head curses.

The Tame Head curse was something that was cast away by Huaxia in the first place. It was commonly known amongst contemporary Taoist who were the victors in the war of Taoist orthodoxy.

He did not understand why despite being of the lineage of victors, such people had to go and learn things only meant for losers. He saw that to be a massive insult.