Killing the Pope with a Single Slash

Everyone looked at the two who were now fighting up in the air.

All kinds of thoughts ran through their minds. Fo the chief, he was asking himself something along the lines of 'just who the hell is Lu Xuan??'

Although everyone speculated a thing or two about how capable he actually was, everyone seemed to be compelled to reassess what they knew about him whenever he used his powers.

Most people thought what he showed every time they saw him, that what he demonstrated, was probably the most he could do. However, they were always quickly proven that he still had a lot more to show.

He gatecrashed the White House before and went on a rampage, killing three Airborne Realm cultivators as if they were flies.

Everyone simply thought that he had become even more proficient with the powers he wielded at his level. After all, he was known to have killed Airborne Realm beings a very long time ago.