Times Have Changed Now

The two-winged angel felt as if its head was splitting apart. It had never been subjected to such pain before.

While two-winged angels were not considered high-ranking members of heaven, there had also never been a case of one being humiliated to such an extent. It was a servant of its Lord, after all.

It had advent on the Earth eons ago. Back then, all earthlings that saw it revered and worshipped it as a god. Nobody thought that any of them would have humiliated it the same way Lu Xuan did.


That angel spewed golden blood from its mouth. At that point, it was truly being beaten within an inch of its life.

"No, this shouldn't be the destiny of humans."

Lu Xuan walked up to the angel and quipped, "Times have changed now, angel," he said. With a longsword in hand, he stabbed the two-winged angel to death right away.