Sent Flying With One Slap

If the rabbit had been facing against either one of the two experts, it would not have been afraid. However, when the two experts had joined hands to fight, the rabbit was continuously pushed back.

"You must have a death wish!"

The fat woman suddenly changed into her original form: a fat wild boar with green teeth and barbed thorns all over its body.

In an instant, it suddenly charged towards the rabbit.

Even after demons change into their true forms, their strength would not be reduced. On the contrary, it would actually be increased.

After the fat woman turned back into its true form, she had suddenly become more powerful.

The rabbit gathered its energy to directly fight the huge wild boar that looked like a small hill.

At that moment, the gap between their real bodies was shown.

In the face of this huge wild boar, the body of the rabbit was like a ball that the huge wild boar was able to kick to death with one foot.
