Shredding the Dragon King

"Do you think I have a choice?" That dragon king continued with a rather exasperated smile. "I was once just a little lizard. Under normal circumstances, I would have probably lived and died without knowing any better. It's the great ancestor who bestowed me with such an opportunity, making me a king of a region and a monster king who could travel the world. My life is no longer mine. It belongs to the entire race of demons."

Lu Xuan felt his heart warm up with emotion hearing what the dragon king just said. If Lu Xuan remembered correctly, that dragon king was probably the one that went about killing countless innocent people in North America, nearly bringing about the collapse of the US back in his past life.

It was every man for himself.

More importantly, the US government was powerless against a dragon of such a high level back then. It was thanks to the efforts of the ancestor of the vampires, Cain, that the dragon king was finally repelled.