Everyone In The World Was Frightened

As her brother just said that she would go around and cause trouble, she immediately responded with dissatisfaction.

"But I haven't been going around and carelessly causing trouble for anyone, right? I am being chivalrous and righteous! Now I am no longer the little girl that you need to worry about all the time, okay? I am an adult!" Lu Shanshan curled her mouth and said.

Lu Xuan frowned slightly as he said, "What do you mean you don't cause trouble? Think about what happened today; you rushed right into the situation without knowing enough about it. What if you were besieged?"

Lu Shanshan said disapprovingly, "Weren't you the one who told me to broaden my horizons? If I can't do it, then I will leave. If I can't defeat them, they won't be able to outrun me either!"

With a smile, she continued, "Do you think that I'm actually stupid, and that wouldn't know to go back and get help? Besides, if I can't win, don't I have you to help me?"