The World Was Stirred

The Blood-clothed Tower was destroyed!

With the help of the spies from major forces, the news had immediately spread among all the forces.

Almost in the shortest possible time, all forces knew that the Blood-clothed Tower was destroyed.

It was not surprising, as the fall of the Blood-clothed Tower had pretty much been expected by all the forces.

With Lu Xuan's strength and reputation of being the top expert in the world that he accumulated over the years, it was not surprising for him to have such an ability.

What truly mattered to all the major forces was the amazing strength that Lu Xuan had shown in this battle.

In a short moment, he had killed the silverback gorilla.

It was almost without any difficulties. That much could be said after seeing from the video shot by the spies, in which Lu Xuan had made a counterattack that shook the world.

The powerful silverback gorilla's flesh had burst apart with almost one punch.