Ruining The Plans

The young ape stared at Lu Xuan with murderous intent in his eyes.

Lu Xuan glanced at this young ape, and under his Delusion-breaker Eyes, there was nothing that could be hidden from him. The body of this young ape was a golden ape, much taller than an ordinary ape. It was more than three meters tall.

There was a ferocious force being emitted from his body.

"I killed him. So what..." Lu Xuan said faintly.

The young ape asked, "Do you know what his identity is?"

Lu Xuan smiled coldly and said, "How could I not know? He is the only son of that old dragon. Killing him means that I have completely become the enemy of the Myriad Demon Valley, right?"

The young ape took a deep breath and then said, "Since you know who he is, and you still dared to kill him, it seems that you are completely looking down on our Myriad Demon Valley!"