He Deserves To Be Called Number One In The World

"I am waiting for the day he appears on Earth!" Lu Xuan said faintly.

The feud between him and Yan Han continued from his previous life to this one. It would have to end eventually.

Additionally, he had begun the preparations to deal with Yan Han for a long time now!

Yan Han may not have known that when he was paying attention to Lu Xuan, the latter had never let his guard down against him either.

Lu Xuan had been preparing for Yan Han's arrival this whole time.

Once Yan Han arrived, a big surprise from Lu Xuan be waiting for him.

Huang Yuanfeng was easily killed by Lu Xuan, leaving only that young ape at the scene.

When the young ape saw Lu Xuan turn his attention to him, he suddenly felt as if his soul had died.

Lu Xuan was a fierce enemy!

The young ape felt as if he had suddenly fallen into an ice cave!