A War between the Humans and the Demons

As the warships got turned upside down, countless crewmen of the US navy dropped into the water to be fed to the sea monster.

Not even the cultivators that came with the navy were able to survive. Many of them intended to take flight and escape, but sea monsters leaped one after another from the surface of the ocean. They then gulped down all those cultivators who came with the US navy on the spot.

Many watched the scenes unfold with their mouths left agape.

There was no doubt that what happened was not a battle, but a brutal one-sided slaughter.

It was a massacre of humans carried out by the demons.

The relationship between humans and demons became the focus of many around the world because of Lu Xuan.

The topic of whether or not humans could coexist with demons had always been mentioned in headlines of papers.

All manner of supporters were seen from both sides.