Effortless Killing


The massive eagle king swooped down, instantly reaching a speed several times that of the speed of sound. As it moved, it burst with a loud sonic boom.


Yang Chengsi, who was standing at the forefront, was blasted away in an instant. As the attack hit his body, he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was hit by one of the massive eagle's wings, which was an attack that made him feel as if he was cut by a long blade right away. The attack had almost cut him in half immediately.

The eagle's massive wings felt as if they were made of steel. Flying down with such wings at supersonic speeds meant that even Divine Treasure Realm fighters would always end up severely injured after being hit by the attack.

The attack instantly shattered Yang Chengsi's Shield of Great Aether. All of the protective talismans he had on him were also destroyed right away.

Those talismans prevented him from being bisected immediately
