Lightning Powers Clash

A huge menacing claw emerged out of the demonic cloud, heading straight for Lu Xuan.


That terrifying claw broke through the sound barrier as it sliced through the air.

The claw came down straight away, looking as if it was going to tear the sky apart.

That claw alone was several times taller than Lu Xuan.

That demonic dragon was enraged and wanted revenge. It was cornered to such an extent that it even became a menacing demon. All of that was because of Lu Xuan.

Despite being a dragon, it ended up having to resort to such methods. What happened was an utter insult to its bloodline.

Humans from all over the world watched the battle currently taking place. That was made possible by cultivators from Australia being willing to risk their lives to film the battle from afar. The recording was then broadcasted online through high-tech equipment, which allowed people from all over the world to witness the battle.