Running Out of Options

At first, no clear winner could be identified from the battle. Once Lu Xuan used his divine arts, however, the tide turned altogether. That Great Seal of Imperial Demon dealt a crushing blow on Ao Chen.

Ao Chen was sent flying and coughing blood continuously. It felt as if all the bones throughout its body were about to shatter.

The demonic dragon was rendered almost immobile by the overwhelming fear coming from within its heart.

The dragon had no idea that the attack was but a part of the Imperial Demon Heaven's Son Chant, but it still knew what was going on.

It was just like how through its overwhelming bloodline, it had been able to enthrall both demons that had just developed intelligence and monsters that had yet to develop it.

That demonic figure wearing imperial garb behind Lu Xuan was probably the kind of demon that was of an unnervingly high level.