The Counterattack Of The Dark World

Thanks to Zhu Wuji's report, Lu Xuan was able to find out how many resources Ao Chen had gathered after so many years.

There were more than 10 million kinds of monsters under the Myriad Demon Valley's command.

These monsters were mainly from the sea. Because the monsters on land had faced human encirclement and suppression in recent years, there weren't many of them.

The deep sea was still a place that currently could not be reached by humans, it was completely overrun by monsters.

There were far more creatures in the sea than on land.

Several sea monsters changed under the influence of spirit qi all the time.

Among them were more than 300 demons. Except for some demons who were in the Myriad Demon Valley, the other demons were in various places, hiding within human society.

Many of them were famous business leaders in human society.