A Cannonball-like Punch Destroying Everything in its Path

Lu Xuan's reappearance restored the morale of those from the Yunxuan Villa.

Everyone immediately began to feel safer than they had before his return.

It seemed as if he had some sort of magic power about him that was able to put everyone at ease. It seemed to be telling them that they had nothing to fear as long as he was around.

What everyone felt immediately was not the joy of seeing him around again. It was instead a sense of security; they felt as if they caught a lifeline amidst all that chaos.

Lu Xuan was actually more than just a lifeline to them; he was regarded as the very stabilizing core.

It was the kind of feeling that he could single-handedly stabilize everything with his own powers alone.

The fallen angels that were ganging up on Lu Shanshan and Liu Wanrong then sensed an extremely terrifying aura emanating from Lu Xuan. One by one, they left them be.