The Sun God? Too Over-confident!

"Lu Xuan!"

The great Indian priest stared at Lu Xuan. He had his eyes fixed on Lu Xuan as he roared. He used his raw Huaxian language to say Lu Xuan name.

Obviously, he knew of Lu Xuan. Especially now that the Internet was so developed, the whole world had become a global community. Therefore, even the great Indian priest hidden in the tropical rainforest had heard of the name of the number one expert on the cultivation world.

Even in the great priest's view, Lu Xuan was very famous.

However, when he saw Zhu Wuji behind Lu Xuan, the Indian priest immediately became vigilant.

This was because he still remembered that Zhu Wuji had once driven many monsters in the Amazon jungle to attack the golden temple.

At that time, when Zhu Wuji had also fought with him, they were pretty much on equal footing. To be more exact, the priest was actually at a disadvantage.