Mass Arrival

The Blessed Enclave arrived in masses without anyone even noticing.

On Longhu Mountain, inside the Celestial Master Path...

Within a Taoist temple, Celestial Master Zhang Fashan sat on the throne high above the others. There was a group of people in Taoist robes below him, all of whom had a strong force on their bodies.

A group of young Taoists, led by a middle-aged Taoist Priest, made a salute towards Zhang Fashan.

"Disciple Zhang Tianle greets uncle!"

The middle-aged Taoist Priest said. Behind him, the young disciples also opened their mouths.

"Disciple greets Ancestor!"

Zhang Fashan smiled and nodded. These were a group of disciples who had entered the Celestial Master Path of their Longhu Mountain in the later years.

Zhang Fashan smiled as he said, "Tianle, hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye. Even you are now a master. Your uncle is old!"