Bringing about One’s Own Doom

The hundreds of auras signatures washed all over the place. It seemed as if behind all of those auras, beasts capable of bringing about world-ending disasters were emerging one after another. At that moment, they were baring their claws and fangs.

"Hahahaha, this is fun! Real fun! Seems like we've just prodded the hornet's nest! Don't you agree?"

The Heretic laughed away, showing no signs of fear.

It was apparent that the torrent of auras did not affect the Heretic whatsoever.

Needless to say, the same happened to Lu Xuan, who remained totally unfazed even with hundreds of aura signatures locking onto him.

He had been through such situations one too many times.

He even saw his current situation as nothing but a minor inconvenience.

What happened with Lu Xuan caused the Heretic to frown slightly. He knew that Lu Xuan was definitely not some common being.