Gui Qiwang Forced To Surrender

The Myriad Ghost Devourer engulfed Lu Xuan in the blink of an eye!

An endless wind blew, carrying with it the roars of countless evil ghosts. Anyone who was even a little timid would've probably been scared to death by it.

At that moment, everyone's eyes were wide open. Lu Xuan's performance earlier was so amazing that they could not believe that the Myriad Ghost Devourer easily tore Lu Xuan apart.

Just then, the endless qi and blood directly flooded out from within the Myriad Ghost Devourer like an ocean.

As soon as those roaring ghosts came into contact with the qi and blood, they all turned into another cloud of smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Originally, the qi and blood of a cultivator greatly benefitted the fierce ghosts. However, an excess of qi and blood could've been the bane of their existence.

After everyone saw the endless qi and blood being unleashed, the ghosts instantly disappeared.