The Warm-up Is Over, Break For Me!

The fist and the sword collided!

Lu Xuan had punched out with his bare hands!

Each of the sword's will was shining with a sword light. An ordinary Shield of Great Aether could not stop the terrifying sword's will. It would've been cut before immediately collapsing.

It didn't matter how powerful a martial cultivator was. If the attack cut into their flesh, it would still cut them in half.

However, Lu Xuan was different. His Spiritual Aether covered the surface of his body. To everyone's surprise, it began to gradually turn into huge dragon scales; they were as hard as real dragon scales.


The result had defied everyone's expectations; following the loud sound of an explosion, they saw that Lu Xuan had blocked this terrifying sword attack with his bare hands.


There was a shocked expression on Great Ancestor Shen Jian's face. He had been scared to death.