Annihilation of Guimen Sect and World Catastrophe

Gui Qiwang loudly roared, "Yan Han, get over here and die already!"

In the end, he could not hold himself back from making a move. He wanted to attack for a while now after Guimen Sect had been wiped out.

It was difficult for Gui Qiwang to hold back when the one responsible for Guimen Sect's annihilation standing before him.

The boundless demonic qi that had been unleashed shrouded everywhere. Gui Qiwang was like a ghost.

Behind Gui Qiwang, the ghost king re-emerged to deal with a strong expert in the Divine Transformation Realm. He had completely looked down on Yan Han and went all out with his attack. He had been waiting for this moment.

"Set up the Myriad Demonic Formation!"

Under the order of Gui Qiwang, none of the experts from Guimen Sect could hold themselves back were able to hold back any longer. They all began setting up the formation one after another until hundreds of experts were involved.