Yan Han Must Die as All the Experts Become Frightened

As Yan Han laughed, the qi and blood shook the world. That Ring of Blood Sun grew even more dazzling to the point of looking extremely frightening.

At that moment, Yan Han looked very scary. He even looked more like a monster than an ordinary human being.


The qi and blood on Yan Han's body suddenly broke out as he exuded a huge force.

"Lu Xuan, today, I will use your head to pay tribute to all the victims of my Taichu Path!"

The blood-red color in Yan Han's eyes was getting more intense. It seemed that he was about to lose control.

Lu Xuan smiled coldly. Apart from him, everyone else on the scene was immersed in the terrifying qi and blood on Yan Han's body.

Lu Xuan had completely ignored the horrifying qi and blood on Yan Han.