An Epoch and a Great Future Ahead

All of the newspapers that were printed and ready for distribution were recalled in a single night. The editors were dragged out of bed by their superiors to change the headlines and the news that followed.

Areas that were in the daytime even saw additional prints being added on the same day.

Radio, online, all other types of media, and even social media accounts all drafted their own pieces overnight.

Within a night, everyone felt as if they had just seen the greatest change of the century taking place overnight. This was especially so with the countless areas that were about to see the sunrise of the next day.

It felt as if in just one night, they came to a completely new era they had never anticipated.

All kinds of information regarding the Blessed Enclave washed all over the world. A good portion of that information was actually old news that was gathered since the advent of the 10 Devils of Bitter Sea some time ago.