The Three Beauties of Yunxuan Villa That Shocked the World

Lu Guoguo was a little girl who was considered as another famous female expert from Yunxuan Villa alongside Lu Shanshan.

Because of her age, Lu Shanshan was naturally called the older Miss Lu, while Lu Guoguo was the younger Miss Lu.

Many people got the news as soon as it was spread. People of the cultivation circle focused all of their attention on every single move that Yunxuan Villa took.

One person said in disbelief, "Does that mean that even young Miss Lu has broken through to the Divine Transformation Realm?"

Another person said in disbelief, "How old is young Miss Lu? Is she 20 yet? I don't think she's 20 years old yet!"

Along with the integration of the Earth Federation and the Blessed Enclave, the Lu sisters, Lu Shanshan and Lu Guoguo, as well as Yun Ling'er, Lu Xuan's disciple, all made a big name for themselves in the Blessed Enclave over the course of a year.